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The role of business associations and chambers of commerce in the fight against corruption

There are several ways in which business associations and chambers of commerce can support anti-corruption efforts. They can facilitate collective action, collectively advocate for reforms and encourage more transparency and accountability in government decisions, as well as promote good corporate integrity among its members. Examples show that chambers of commerce and business associations have played an important role particularly in setting integrity and anti-corruption standards for businesses mainly through certification programmes and the adoption of codes of conduct. This is the case for example in Thailand and the Philippines. Other areas of intervention include trainings, awareness raising and advocacy as implemented by business associations in China and Vietnam.

9 October 2013
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The role of business associations and chambers of commerce in the fight against corruption

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Martini, M. (2013) The role of business associations and chambers of commerce in the fight against corruption. Expert Answer 394

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Maira Martini


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