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Targeted anti-corruption interventions in Africa

TThis Expert Answer provides a selection of targeted anti-corruption interventions that have been implemented by a broad range of actors at sectoral level in Africa as well as country level activities which have involved engaging with international anti-corruption processes such as the ratification and implementation of the UN/AU conventions. Examples provided cover interventions aiming at measuring corruption at national or sectoral levels, enhancing public sector ethics, strengthening public finance management systems as well as promoting public participation and monitoring. They have targeted a wide range of actors, sectors and institutions, including political parties, public institutions, the private sector, the judiciary, and service delivery. This list of interventions presented is illustrative of the types of initiatives that have been developed and implemented across Africa.
3 December 2007
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Targeted anti-corruption interventions in Africa

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Chêne, M. (2007) Targeted anti-corruption interventions in Africa . Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer Helpdesk 2007)

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Marie Chêne


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