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U4 Helpdesk Answer

Donors’ Contributions to Anti-Corruption in the Education Sector

This query was treated as an urgent query and confirms that there is no quick way to get accurate estimates of donors’ spending on anti-corruption in the education sector based on available data. In the absence of reliable figures, the answer suggests possible alternatives to collect the required data, which would involve allocating more time and resources to the research process. Given the current existing aid data reporting systems (such as the OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS) or Aid Information Management Systems) as well as major methodological challenges involved in tracking aid spending, it is almost impossible to clearly identify donor funding for anti-corruption in general and for a specific sector in particular. As a result, there is no reliable way to provide an accurate estimate of donors’ contribution to anti-corruption in the education sector based on available data. Technically challenging, coming up with robust figures in this area would also require in-depth, t

9 December 2009
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Donors’ Contributions to Anti-Corruption in the Education Sector

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(2009) Donors’ Contributions to Anti-Corruption in the Education Sector. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer null)

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