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Corruption in community-driven development. A Kenyan case study with insights from Indonesia

Community-driven development is a strategy for empowering people to choose their own priorities, project leaders, and monitoring. Many believe that this model results in lower corruption rates. We look at what happened in the Arid Lands Project in Kenya and a community-development project in Indonesia. These projects had strikingly different corruption rates, even though the countries had similar corruption perception rates at project startup. Find out which design elements may account for the differences in corruption.

28 August 2017
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Corruption in community-driven development. A Kenyan case study with insights from Indonesia

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Ensminger, J. (2017) Corruption in community-driven development. A Kenyan case study with insights from Indonesia. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2017:9) 60 p

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Jean Ensminger


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