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Changing Perspectives: How Donors can Work with the Private Sector to Reduce Corruption

Corrupt dealings by companies are often only a way to avoid inefficiency caused by weak regulations and institutions. While the private sector is commonly perceived to be a source of corruption, it is also a victim - with considerable interest in contributing to solutions. Donors can help by engaging private sector representative organizations in discussions, develop local capacity to instigate and run anti-corruption programs, and support financial media in fulfilling a watchdog role that goes beyond simply reporting on corrupt individuals

1 January 2008
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Changing Perspectives: How Donors can Work with the Private Sector to Reduce Corruption

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Shkolnikov, A.; Sullivan, J. (2008) Changing Perspectives: How Donors can Work with the Private Sector to Reduce Corruption. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2008:17) 4 p.

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Aleksandr Shkolnikov
John D. Sullivan


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