PublicationsThe U4 Blog


Women, youth and corruption: Exploring the impact and advancing change

United Nations, Vienna, Austria

4 September 2024

Women, youth and corruption: Exploring the impact and advancing change

Corruption affects women and youth disproportionately, with young women facing compounded challenges due to the intersection of gender and age. This intersectionality exacerbates gender inequality and youth marginalisation, restricting access to essential services, economic opportunities, and political participation. The double burden of corruption leads to a cycle of disempowerment, where young people, especially young women, are particularly vulnerable to corrupt practices that limit their potential and voice in society. Despite its significant impact, the gendered and age-related dimensions of corruption are often overlooked in policy discussions. This event aims to address this gap by presenting the latest research on how corruption affects women and youth. It will also share recommendations for more effectively involving women and youth in anti-corruption efforts.


Monica Kirya
Deputy Director, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center, Chr. Michelsen Institute


Ivana Krstic
Member of the UN Human Rights Council Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls

Michele Coleman
Doctoral Researcher, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Sabrina D’Andrea
Lawyer and consultant, UN Office on Drugs & Crime

Matthew Jenkins
Research and Knowledge Manager at Transparency International

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Monica Kirya
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