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Strengthening business compliance with anti-corruption and human rights

Practical examples and insights on how businesses can integrate anti-corruption and human rights principles to create frameworks that reinforce ethical conduct and accountability.

24 October 2024

Strengthening business compliance with anti-corruption and human rights
Faujimy on Frepik

Human rights and anti-corruption are increasingly connected in shaping responsible business practices. Companies need to manage corporate social responsibility, labor rights, and ethical compliance to maintain integrity. This webinar highlights the common ground between anti-corruption and human rights standards. The panellists will share practical examples and insights on how businesses can integrate these principles, creating frameworks that reinforce ethical conduct and accountability.

If you are a development practitioners working on human rights and anti-corruption issues, or you work in a private company dealing with related issues – this webinar is for you.


Vanessa Hans Head of Private Sector, Basel Institute on Governance

Maren Fluge Nordgreen – Future Proof Project coordinator, Rafto Foundation

Tone Sørfonn Moe Human Rights Lawyer, Jurist Sørfonn AS and Matrix Advokater


Guillaume Nicaise – Senior Adviser, U4/Chr. Michelsen Institute

Register for the webinar on Microsoft Teams

24 October 2024

10.00–11.00 CEST (Oslo, Norway)

9.00–10.00 BST (London, UK)

11.00–12.00 EAT (Nairobi, Kenya)

14.00–15.00 BST (Dhaka, Bangladesh)

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Guillaume Nicaise
Guillaume Nicaise
Senior Adviser